C. L. published in Acadiensis July,1908 Volume V111. November 3.
THE RIGHT REV. CHARLES’ INGLIS, D.D., first Bishop of Nova
Scotia, and the first bishop consecrated, for any English Colonial See, was
born in Ireland in 1734. His father was the Rev. Archibald Inglis, of Glen and
Kilcarr, who was ordained in 1713 for
the curacy of Lettermacward, County Donegal, and in 1722 was presented to the
living of Glencolumkille, in the Diocese of Raphoe. In 1743 he was given the
living of Kilcarr in addition to his other cure, but he lived only until 1745,
when he was succeeded in Kilcarr by his eldest son, Richard. The father of the
Rev. Archibald Inglis was the Rev. James Inglis, M. A., Rector of
Raymenterdowney, in the Diocese of Raphoe, who died in 1739, and his
grandfather, probably the Rev.
Archibald Inglis, a Scottish Episcopal clergyman of no small distinction, who
from 1786 to 1789 was Rector of Glasgow University, his last years being spent
in Donegal, where he held a living given him by his friend Cairncross, Bishop
of Raphoe. The Rev. Archibald Inglis, Rector of Glen and Kilcarr, had three
sons, the eldest of whom was the Rev. Richard Inglis, who entered Trinity
College, Dublin, in 1737, at the age of seventeen, and the youngest, Charles
Inglis, the first Colonial Bishop of the British Empire, who was born in 1734,
and about 1756 came to America to teach in the Free School at Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. In 1758, at the hands of the Right Rev. Thomas Hayter, Bishop of
London, he was
deacon and priest, and from 1759 to 1765 was in charge of the mission of Dover,
Delaware, his field comprising the whole County of Kent. From England, after “a
long and dangerous voyage,” he came directly to his mission, and on the first
of July, 1759, began his work there. On a salary of fifty pounds a year he
laboured in Delaware for five years, but on the 28th of August, 1764, the
vestry of Trinity Church, New York
City, resolved to call him as assistant to the Rev. Samuel Auchmuty, who was
also at this date elected to the rectorship of the church. “Besides what might
be raised for him by subscription,” and with a sufficient sum being given him
for the expense of his removal from Delaware, Mr. Inglis was promised by the
church a salary of two hundred pounds per annum, currency. In February, 1764,
he married at Dover, Mary, daughter of Captain Benjamin and Mary Vining, born
in 1733, but on the 13th of October
of the same year the young wife died in child-birth. December 3rd, 1764, Mr.
Inglis was temporarily in Philadelphia, and from there he wrote the Rev. Mr.
Auchmuty, refusing the New York appointment. His Delaware mission, he thought,
needed him, and there he desired to stay. A few months later, however, he
accepted the appointment, and on the sixth of December, 1765, he formally
entered on his duties in New York. On the occasion of his departure from
Delaware, the church-wardens and vestry of Dover “wrote to express their great
regret at his going, and to testify that he had with unwearied diligence
attended four churches, discharging every duty of his functions, and conducting
himself on all occasions in a manner truly laudable and exemplary.” On the
fourth of March, 1777, Dr. Auchmuty died, and on the twentieth Mr. Inglis was chosen
rector of the historic New York church. The church structure, the rectory and
school houses had
burned in the incendiary fire of 1776,
which destroyed almost a thousand houses, or about a fourth of the town, and Mr. Inglis’ induction took
place in the churchyard, under the
supervision of Governor Tyron, the new rector laying his hand upon the charred
ruins of the church in taking the oath of allegiance and conformity.” His formal resignation of the rector-ship was made November 1st, 1783; the 25th of that month
the British forces evacuated the city. As rector of Trinity, says Dr. Dix, he
bore himself with great dignity, and faithfully discharged the duties of his sacred office.” The two
chapels of Trinity, St. Paul’s and St. George’s, were left, and until the
revolution made the rector’s further continuance in the city impossible, he
regularly ministered in one or the other of these churches. Some time before
his death, Dr. Auchmuty, who was in feeble health, went to New Jersey, leaving
Mr. Inglis in charge. When at
last Governor Tryon found himself unable to maintain order, Dr. Inglis also
withdrew to Flushing, taking the keys of the locked chapels with him. What Mr.
Inglis’ early scholastic education had been we do not know, but on the 6th of
April, 1770, the University of Oxford conferred on him the honorary degree of
Master of Arts, and on the 25th of
February, 1778, the higher degree of Doctor of Divinity. Dr. Inglis’ precise
movements in the decade preceding his consecration as Bishop of Nova Scotia are
a little uncertain. In October, 1775, he sent his family, together with his books and
papers, to New Windsor, Orange County, but in a short time his wife and family
removed to Goshen; later he himself was for a considerable time at Flushing. On
the 20th of January, 1782, his eldest child, Charles,
died; the 21st of September, 1783, his
second wife, Margaret (Crooke), also died. Late in the next month, or early in
November, probably with two of his children, he embarked for England,
there he probably remained until August 12th, 1787, when he was consecrated at Lambeth, the first
Bishop of Nova Scotia, with jurisdiction over the Provinces of Upper and Lower
Canada, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Bermuda, and Newfoundland. Sailing
from England the sixteenth day after his consecration, he reached Halifax on
Tuesday, October 15th, and there was received with the highest expressions of esteem and good-will. In May,
1809, he was made a member of His Majesty’s
Council, his rank in the Province to be next after the Chief Justice.
The life of Bishop Inglis has never
fully been written; valuable sketches of him, however, are to be found in the
Dictionary of National Biography; Canon Mockridge’s “Bishops of the English
Church in Canada and Newfoundland;” Bishop Perry’s “Historical Collections of
the American Colonial Church,” “Centennial Sermon in Westminster Abbey,” and
“History of the American Episcopal Church ;“ Dr. Berrian’s and Dr. Dix’s
“Histories of Trinity Church, New York;” Dr. Eaton’s “The Church of England in
Nova Scotia and the Tory Clergy of the Revolution;” and a pamphlet entitled,
“Charles Inglis, our First Colonial Bishop,” by the Rev. H. Vere White, M. A.,
Dublin, 1899. His own vigorous letter to the Rev. Dr. Hind, of the S. P. G.,
written from New York, October 31St, 1776,
to he found printed in full in the third volume of the Documentary History of
New York (1850), sets forth in detail the difficulties with which in his brief
rectorship he had to cope, and the hardships to which he was exposed during
the stormy time of the Revolution. In the Act of Attainder of 1779, he and his wife were
included; in the pillage of the city by the Revolutionists their house in New
York was plundered of everything,
their loss, he says, amounting to near two hundred pounds, American currency, or upwards of a hundred
sterling. Bishop Inglis’ labours in his great colonial diocese continued from
the date of his consecration to his death in i8i6, a period of between
twenty-eight and twenty-nine years. He was not a man of great mental brilliancy
or remarkable scholarship, but he was a faithful missionary bishop, an able
administrator of the affairs of his large, steadily-growing diocese, and a
staunch believer in the right to supremacy in the Christian world of the
Anglican Church. That his imprint is still deep on the Church of England in the
maritime Provinces none can doubt.
Bishop Inglis married, secondly, in New York, on
Monday evening, May 31st, 1773, Margaret, daughter of John and Margaret (Ellison) Crooke, of Ulster
County, New York, her father’s father being John Crooke, Sr., of Kingston, New
York, for years Surrogate of Ulster County, and her
parents, Thomas and Margaret (Garrabrant) Ellison. [Margaret Ellison was the
second of eleven children of Thomas and ‘Margaret (Garrabrant) Ellison; of her
brothers, Thomas married Mary Peck,
of the Pecks from whom Peck Slip, N. Y., is named; William married Mary Floyd, first cousin of William Floyd, of Long
Island, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Of her sisters, Elizabeth was married
to Cadwallader Colden. A John Crooke was one of the first wardens of Trinity
‘Church.] In 1776 Dr. Inglis’ family is said to have included his
mother-in-law, Mrs. Crooke, but it seems hardly likely that this lady went with
her son-in-law and his children to Nova Scotia. Her will, which bears date
April 18th, 1808, was proved November 14th, ,8111 and in it she makes the
following bequests: To her grandson, John Inglis, then the third Bishop of Nova
Scotia, the sum of three hundred and seventy-five dollars; to her grand-daughter,
Mrs. Margaret Halliburton, of
two hundred and fifty dollars; to her granddaughters, Mrs. Margaret
Halliburton, and Mrs. Anne Pidgeon of New Brunswick, all her wearing apparel,
and bed and table linen; to her three grand-children the residue of her estate.
Her executors were Cornelius Ray, Clement Moore, and Henry Barclay. When
Bishop Inglis came to Nova Scotia, he naturally first made his home in Halifax,
but the Crown gave him a grant of land at Aylesford, in the western part of
Ring’s County, and about 1794 he built a house and began to reside
there. His estate he named “Clermont,” in recollection of the well-known
Livingston Manor on the Hudson River. He died at Clermont, February 24th, 1816,
in the 82nd year of his age, the 58th of his ministry, and the 29th
of his episcopate. He was buried under the chancel of St. Paul’s Church,
Halifax, his funeral being attended by the Lieutenant-Governor, Sir John Coape
Sherbrooke, Sir John Wentworth, Bart., the members of H. M. Council, and all
the most prominent citizens of Halifax. The chief published writings of Bishop
Inglis were:
I—‘A Vindication of the
Religious Condition of the American Colonies, prepared and published by Rev.
C. Inglis, 1750.” (This was in answer to a sermon by the
Bishop of Llandaff, giving an unfavorable account of the state of religion in
the colonies).
II.—‘ Plain Truth: Addressed
to the Inhabitants of America; containing remarks on a late pamphlet (by Thomas
Paine), entitled Common Sense. Written
by Candidus. Pseud. Philadelphia, 1776.”
III.—An Essay on Infant
IV.—A Letter on the Question
of Free Pews in Kingston Church (New York).
V—_A Defense of his own
Character against Certain False and Malicious Charges contained in a Pamphlet,
entitled, “A Reply to Remarks on a Vindication of Governor Parr and his
Council,” etc., London. Printed
in 1784.
To these should be added the notable letter to the Rev.
Dr. Hind, S. P. G., to which reference has been made above. In it Dr. Inglis
speaks of his refusal to accede to General Washington’s request that he should
omit prayers for the King. Important letters from him will also be found in
Bishop Perry’s History of the American Episcopal Church, Vol. 2; and Dr. Dix’s History of Trinity
Church, Vol. 2. His farewell sermon in New York, preached in both the
chapels of Trinity, October 26th, 1783, was from 2 Cor. 13, 2.
Children of Bishop Charles1 and Margaret
(Crooke) Inglis:
1 i—CHARLES², b. in 1774, d. January 20, 1782. Both
he and his mother are buried under the chancel
of St. Paul’s Chapel, New York City.
2. ii.—MARGARET,
b. in 1775.
3. iii.—ANNE, b. in 1776.
4. iV.—JOHN,
b. December 9, 1777.
In the churchyard of Christ Church, Dover, Delaware,
is a tombstone with the following inscription to the memory of the first Mrs.
Charles Inglis:
Sacred to
the memory of
mortal part lies here deposited
Till the resurrection
of the Just,
with every virtue
Amiable accomplishment
She was
dignity of manners, mildness of temper,
of Heart, warm piety to God,
to mankind, Filial tenderness
Conjugal affection
A shining
ornament and pattern to her Sex
esteemed by all who knew her.
She died
in child-birth of Twins,
13th, An. Dom. 1764,
Aetat Fuœ 31.
Two mural tablets, connected, in the chancel of St.
Paul’s Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia:
Sacred to The Memory of
(Third Son of The Rev.
Archibald Inglis, of Glen and Kilcar, in Ireland)
Bishop of Nova Scotia and
Its Dependencies;
Whose Sound Learning and
Fervent Piety
Directed by Zeal According To Knowledge
And Supported by Fortitude, Unshaken
Amidst Peculiar Trials
Eminently Qualified Him For The Arduous Labours Of
First Bishop
Appointed To A British Colony.
This Stone Is Raised By Filial Duty and
In Grateful Remembrance of Every
Private Virtue
That Could Endear a Father and a Friend
Of The Ability, Fidelity and Success, with
He was Enabled By The Divine Blessing, To
Discharge All His
Public Duties
The General Prosperity Of The Church In His
The Increase of His Clergy, And of The
Provision For Their Support,
The Establishment of a Chartered College
And The Erection Of more Than Twenty new
Churches are The Best Monument.
Obiit annu salutis MDCCCXVI, ætatis lxxxi.
By Whom the Above Monument was Erected
Has Followed His Pious Parent to the Grave,
The Inheritor of His Virtues, and of His Zeal,
In the Cause of His Divine Master,
After a Faithful Service of Many Years
As Rector of this Parish
He was Consecrated in the Year of Our Lord, 1825,
Bishop of the Diocese,
Endued with Talents of a High Order
He Zealously Devoted His Whole Life
To the Diligent Discharge of His Sacred
As a Minister of the
Gospel of Christ;
He died on the 27th of October, A. D.1850,
In the Seventy Third Year of His Age
And in the Twenty Sixth of His Episcopate.
In Erecting
this Monument
To Their
Lamented Pastor and Bishop
The Members
of the Church Have the
Satisfaction of Uniting It
With That
On Which He
Himself Has So Feelingly
The Virtues
of His Father.
Mural tablet in the chancel of St. Paul’s Chapel,
Broadway, New York, to the second Mrs. Charles Inglis, and her son, Charles:
Within this
Chancel, in certain Hope of a
to Glory
through Jesus
Christ, are deposited the Remains of MARGARET
the Wife of
Rector of Trinity Church in this City.
She died
the 21st of September, 1783, aged 35 Years.
Near her is
interred all that was mortal of CHARLES,
Eldest Son
who, alas!
at an early Period, was snatched away
January the 20th, 1782, in the 8th Year of his Age.
The Husband and the Father, since become Bishop of Nova
As a Testimony of the tenderest Affection to a dear
and worthy wife,
and Esteem for a devout Christian; and of the
fondest Regard for an
amiable Son, who, although in Age a Child, was
yet in Understanding
a man, in Piety a Saint and in Disposition
an Angel, caused this
Monument to be erected in the Year, of our Lord
2. MARGARET2 INGLIS, born in New York in 1775,
married, September i9th, 1799, to the Hon. Brenton Halliburton, M.
L. C., who became the eighth Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, and after his wife’s
death was knighted. Sir Brenton was the son of Dr. John and Susannah (Brenton)
Halliburton, and was horn in Newport, R. I., December 3, 1775. In 1782 his
father came as a Loyalist to Halifax, and henceforth the family’s interests all
lay in Nova Scotia. In his boyhood, for a few years Brenton studied in England,
but on the death of his elder brother, John, in 1791, he returned to Halifax
and studied law. When the Duke of Kent came to Halifax as Commander of the
Forces, he entered the regiment of which H. R. H. was colonel
Seventh Foot Fusiliers—receiving his lieutenancy June 28th, 1795. His
captaincy he received September 6th, 1798, but when the Prince finally left
Halifax (July 3oth, 18oo) he withdrew from the army and took up the
practice of law. His short military career, indeed, began in 1793, when he
entered the Nova Scotia Provincials (militia regiment) as an ensign. At the
age of thirty-three, Mr. Halliburton was elevated to the Bench, and on the
resignation of Hon. Sampson Salter Blowers, seventh Chief Justice, then ninety
years old, he was made head of the Judiciary. At the age of eighty-five he was
made a Knight. Among British Colonial public men of the last half of the
eighteenth century and first half of the nineteenth century, Sir Brenton’s
name deservedly stands
high. He was a clear-sighted lawyer, an able and upright Chief Justice and Judge, and a truly religious man. He was socially reserved, and yet kindly and courteous. In his “ Life of Sir Brenton, published many years ago in Halifax, the Rev. Dr. George William Hill, D. D., his biographer, speaks very tenderly of tile sincere and humble piety that distinguished him in his last days. Sir Brenton lived for years on Morris Street, Halifax, but in later life he spent much tune at the place he owned called “The Bower,” on the Northwest Arm. He also owned an estate near that of his father-in-law, Bishop Inglis, at Wilmot, Annapolis County, to which lie gave the name “.Margaretville.” A portrait of him by A. G. Hoit, painted in 1840 or 1845, hangs in the Legislative Council Chamber in Halifax. He (died July 16th, 186o, in his eighty-sixth year, and the following tablet to his memory rests on the walls of St. Paul’s Church:
To the Memory of
Who for more than Half a
Century adorned
the Bench of
The Supreme Court, and for
Years was
Chief Justice of Nova
Kind, Amiable, Loving and
In every Relation of Life,
He United to a Cheerful Disposition
And many Private and Social Virtues,
The Graces of a Truly Christian Character,
Long Time a Member and Afterwards
President of the Legislative Council,
He Took a Warm Interest in the Welfare of
the Province
And the Improvement of Its Laws and
On The Bench
He was Dignified, Affable and Courteous;
A Patient and Laborious Judge
Of Great Legal and General Knowledge,
A Vigorous intellect, Clear Judgment
And a Singular Aptitude for the Investigation of
These, with His Acknowledged Uprightness,
and Impartiality,
Obtained For Him Universal Esteem,
Born Dec. 3rd, 1775,
He Entered Into Rest,
July 16, 186o.
“I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.”
Margaret2 (Inglis) Halliburton died in
Halifax, July 5th, 1841, aged sixty-six. A tablet in St. Paul’s Church to her
memory has this inscription:
Sacred To The Memory of
The Wife of THE
Who departed This Life
On the 5th of July, 1841,
Aged 66 years.
Early trained In the Nurture
And Admonition of the Lord
By Her Pious Father,
The First Protestant Bishop
In The British Colonies,
She Was Conspicuous
Throughout Her Life
For Piety to God
And Charity to the Poor, I
This Tablet Is Raised
As a Humble Memorial
Of Her Virtues
By Her Affectionate Husband.
Blessed are the Dead which
die in the Lord
Even so saith the Spirit:
For they
rest from their Labours.
Children of Sir Brenton and Margaret (Inglis)
i—MARGARET2, b. June 3, i8oo
ii.—SUSANAH, b. Nov. 6, 1803; hap.
Jan’y 8, 1804; d. Dec. ii, 1874, unmarried.
iii.—MARY E., b. probably in 1805, d.
May 31, 1828, unmarried.
iv.—JOHN CROOKE, b. 1807, d. Nov. 8, 2884,
V—ELLEN EMMELINE, b. April 19,1811, d. Nov. 29, 1875, unmarried.
Vi.—CHARLES H., b. in 1812, buried Sept.
24, 1819, aged 7 years.
Vii.—BRENTON, b. probably in 1813, d.
probably before he was 30, perhaps in Aylesford.
Viii.—ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 20, 1815, bap.
Jany 21, 1816.
Of these children, Margaret2 was m. in 1825 to Hon. Enos Collins, M. L. C.,
and had seven children. John Crooke was
a barrister, and for forty-four years Chief Clerk of the Legislative Council.
He was admitted to King’s College, Windsor, in 1823, but did not graduate. He
was the last of Bishop Charles Inglis’ descendants to live in Halifax, and the
last person descended from Dr. John Halliburton to bear the Halliburton name.
Like others of the family, he
buried in Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax. Elizabeth
was rn. in 1862 to Major Richard Matthews Poulden, R. A. She was Major
Poulden’s second wife, and she had no children. Major Poulden was made Ensign
July 29th, 1825;
Lieutenant, January 3rd, 1828; Captain, October 22nd, 1840; Major, November 28th, 1854. He retired on captain’s
full pay, and was living in 1875. Mrs. Poulden undoubtedly died in England.
Elizabeth Halliburton is said in the St. Paul’s (Halifax) baptismal register to
have been the ninth child of her parents. If this is so, there must have been
one child more born to them of whom we have no record. It seems more probable
however, that she was the eighth child.
3. ANNE2 INGLI5, born in New York in 1776,
was married, about 1793,
to the Rev.
George Pidgeon, successively missionary at Belleisle Bay, Oak Point, and
adjacent parts on the River St. John (New Brunswick), and Rector of
Fredericton, and of Trinity Church, St. John. Mr. Pidgeon was the son of Edward
Pidgeon, gentleman, of County, Kilkenny, Ireland, and was born in 1760.
October 7th, 1776, he entered Trinity College, Dublin, and November 2nd, 1781,
received an ensigncy in the 65th Regiment. During the Revolutionary War he came
with his regiment to America, and at the close of the war removed to Halifax,
left the army, and became a candidate for holy orders. Tradition has it that he
fell in love with Anne Inglis, and that the Bishop refused to give his consent
to his marrying ‘her unless he returned to civil life. He was probably ordained
and married about 1793,
the year that
he began his work under the auspices of the S. P. G. in the mission of
Belleisle. August 19th, 1795, he
was elected rector of Fredericton, as successor to the Rev. Dr. Cooke, and
later he was appointed by his
father-in-law Ecclesiastical
His rectorship of Fredericton lasted till 1814, when ‘he was appointed rector
of Trinity Church, St. John. This position he held for four years, but during
the last few weeks of his life he was in such poor health that the church was
closed. ‘His duties of Ecclesiastical Commissary he discharged for twenty-three
years. He died rather suddenly, May 6th, 1818, only a little more than two
years after Bishop Inglis, and he was buried in the old burying ground in St.
John, where his tombstone may be seen. The inscription it bears is as follows:
Under this Stone
are placed
The earthly remains of the
Formerly of Trinity College,
Late Rector in this Parish
And Ecclesiastical Cornnlissary
in this
Province 23
He died, May 6, 1818,
Aged 57 years.
Referring to his death, the contemporary St. John
newspaper said: “His pious and benevolent character and amiable manners will long
endear his memory to his numerous friends.” Notices of ‘Mr. Pidgeon will be
found in Lee’s “First Fifty Years of the Church in New Brunswick,” and ‘Canon
Brigstocke’s “History of Trinity Church, St. John.” A miniature likeness of him hangs in the vestry of
‘Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton. Mrs. Pidgeon died childless, at the
house of Sir Brenton Halliburton, in Halifax, July 4th, 1827, in her
fifty-first year. She was buried in St. Paul’s churchyard in Halifax, and a
well-cut tombstone marks her grave.
4. BISHOP JOHN2 INGLIS, born December 9th, 1777, in New York, was one of the
first students to be enrolled in the academy at Windsor that later became
King’s College. He was one of a group of precharter students of the young college
who afterward became well known in the British colonial world, but of his
graduation, or of his attainment from King’s College of his degree of Doctor of
have not the
dates. His father intended to send him to Oxford to be educated, but seems not to have done so, though the
young man was in England in 18oo, when lie was in his twenty-third year. His ordination
took place at Aylesford in 1801,
and during 1801 and 1802 he
lived at Clermont and served the Aylesford parish. August 31st, 1802, he married at Windsor, Nova Scotia, where it seems as
if the Cochran family must then temporarily have been residing, Elizabeth,
eldest (laughter of the Hon. Thomas
and his second wife Jane (Allan)
Cochran, born April 15th, 1781. (See
Dr. Eaton’s monograph, “The ‘Cochran and Inglis Families of Halifax.”) In July,
1804, their first child, Charles, was born in Halifax; in ,18o6 their
second, Jane Louisa, was born in London, England; their
remaining six children were all born in Halifax. How the Aylesford parish was
served for fourteen years we are not informed, but Mr. Inglis acted for many years as his father’s Commissary, and
it is evident that he was not at all continuously there. His immediate
predecessor at Aylesford was the Rev. James Wiswell, and his next successor of
whom we have any knowledge was the Rev. Edwin Gilpin, who married Gertrude
Aleph Brinley, born May 26th, 1794 (King’s Chapel Epitaphs).
The Rev. Edwin Gilpin, and probably his wife, sleep in the churchyard at
Annapolis Royal. In 1806 Mr. Inglis was in England, and again in 1813. In 1815 and thereafter he is
styled Dr. Inglis. In February, 1816,
his father died, and the Rev. John, who had been for years his “mainstay and
ready co-worker,” naturally expected to be appointed in his place. He therefore
went to England apparently to present his claim to the bishopric, but the same
ship that took him took also an influential petition from the Nova Scotia
Legislature for the appointment of Dr. Robert Stanser, an Englishman, then
rector of St. Paul’s, Halifax. The bishopric
given to Dr.
Stanser, the rectorship of St. Paul’s was given to Dr. Inglis, and with lovely Christian spirit the latter
returned to Halifax and took up his parish work, continuing, however, to act as Commissary, as
he had done in
his father’s lifetime. The episcopate of Bishop Stanser was not successful,
chiefly from the fact that for much of the time the Bishop found it necessary, on account of
ill-health, to live in England. He continued, however, to be bishop till 1825,
when he at last resigned, and left the field open for a successor. Tardy
recognition now came to Dr. Inglis, who, on the 25th of March, 1825, was consecrated at Lambeth. When
Bishop Stanser resigned, Dr. Inglis was in England soliciting subscriptions to King’s College, and there was
no delay in his appointment to the vacant see. Bishop John Inglis is remembered
not only as a gentleman of the highest breeding (the Chesterfield of the
English episcopate, he was called
in his time), but as a man ‘of sympathetic and kindly spirit. To his credit, be
it said, he seems never to have alienated “dissenters” by superciliously asserting
his Church’s claims. His life has been told at some length by Canon Mocknidge,
in his “Bishops of the Church of England in Newfoundland and Canada,” and by
Dr. Eaton in his “Church of England in Nova Scotia.” When Bishop Charles
Inglis died he entailed part, at least, of his Aylesford estate to his son,
Bishop John, and after him to his grandson, Charles, Bishop John’s eldest son.
At the death of Bishop John all of the estate the other children of
Bishop John could sell was disposed of, and the widow and her daughters and
younger Sons made their home permanently in London. The eldest son, Charles, M.
D., however, continued to live in Aylesford, where he died unmarried in 1861.
He was buried in the churchyard in Aylesford, in a spot that is now covered by
the enlarged chancel of the
church. Bishop John Inglis died in England, October
27th, 1850, and was buried in St.
Mary’s churchyard, Battersea, London. Mrs. Inglis died July 14th,
1862, and was buried in St. Paul’s
churchyard, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. A window in St. Paul’s Rusthall,
bearing an inscription, perpetuates her memory.
Inscription on a mural tablet in St. Mary’s Church, Battersea, London, S. W., to the Right Rev.
John Inglis, D. D.:
In the Adjoining Churchyard
Rest the Mortal Remains
Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia,
who departed this Life on
the 27th of October, A. D. 1850,
In the 73rd Year of His Age.
From Early Youth He was
Designed for the Sacred Ministry,
And His Active Life was
Passed in the Zealous Service of His Master.
The Diocese of Nova Scotia,
over which He Presided
For Upwards of Twenty-five
Has Severely Felt and Deeply
Deplored the Loss of
Its Beloved Diocesan.
Inscription on the window erected to Mrs. John
Inglis in St. Paul’s Church, Rusthall:
Faith Which Worketh Love.
In Memory of a Beloved
INGLJS, Widow of the
Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia,
Born April 15th, 1781,
Died July 14th, 1862.
On Mrs. Inglis’ monument is the following:
Eliza Inglis, Widow of the
Right Rev’d John Inglis, D. D.,
Bishop of Nova Scotia,
Born April 15th, 1781,
Died July 14th, 1862.
Children of the Right Rev. John Inglis, D. D., and his wife Elizabeth (Cochran)
i.—CHARLES³, b. July 13, 1804, at Halifax.
Louis(, b. May
5. 1806, in London.
iii.—ARABELLA PREVOST, b. April 3, 1808, at Halifax
iV.—CATRERINE ANNE PREVOST b. May to, 1810, at Halifax.
V.—ELIZABETH JEMIMA, b. June 30, 1812, at Halifax
EARDLEY WILMOT, b. Nov. 15, 1814, at Halifax
vii.—WILLIAM COCHRANE, b. December 16, 1816, at Halifax
Jan’y 31, 1817, died February I, 1817, at Halifax
May 22,
1819, at Halifax
bap. July 14, 1819
Of these children, Charles3, b. July 13th, 1804, was admitted to King’s
College, Windsor, in 1819, studied medicine in London, returned to Nova Scotia,
but never practised, and finally died at the house of a Mrs. Rutherford, in
Aylesford, in July, 1861; he was buried July 26th directly behind St. Mary’s
Church. Although King’s College fared so generously at his hands, the
corporation of that college did not erect a tombstone to his memory, nor was one ever reared. Jane Louisa, d. September 4th, 1897; Arabella Prevost d. in 1891; Catherine
Ann Prevost d. in 1893; and Elizabeth
Jemima (Mrs. Kilvington) d. in 1890; all four being buried in Brompton Cemetery.
William Cochran is buried in the
Cochran tomb in Halifax.
Of the children of Bishop John Inglis, none were
married but Elizabeth, and Sir John Eardley Wilmot. Elizabeth was
married to Lieutenant Francis Henry Kilvington, of the 2nd Staffordshire Foot,
who was born June 20th, 1817, and died July 25th, 1855. He was the only son of
Rev. Orfeur Kilvington and Hon. Mary Margaret, his wife. His death occurred on
board the S. S. “Melita” as she was entering the harbor of Malta, when he was
returning from the Crimea to England. His commissions were: Ensign, July 20,
1838; Lieutenant, January 8, 1841; Captain of the 62nd (Wiltshire) Foot, March
1848. Captain and Mrs. Kilvington left one son. Captain Thomas Cochrane Inglis was appointed second Lieutenant in
the Rifle Brigade, June 14, 1839; Lieutenant, April 14’ 1843; Captain,
December 29, 1848.
5. Sir John
EARDLEY WILMOT3 INGLIS. Of the children of Bishop John and Elizabeth (Cochran) Inglis, and indeed of Nova Scotians of
his generation, Sir John Eardley Wilmot Inglis is by far the most distinguished.
He entered the army as Ensign in the 32nd Foot (now Cornwall Light Infantry),
August 2, 1833, and his successive promotions were as follows: Lieutenant,
1839; Captain, 1843; Major, 1848; Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, 1849; Regimental
Lieut.-Col. February 20, 1855; Brevet
Colonel, June 5, 1855. He served in Canada from 1836 to 1838, and in the Punjaub
campaigns in 1848, ‘49. He was in command of the 32nd at Lucknow at the
outbreak of the Indian Mutiny in 1857, and succeeded Sir Henry Lawrence in full
command, as Brigadier-’General, in July, 1857. For his successful defence of
the residency of Lucknow in 1857, he was appointed Major-General, and honoured
with the title of K. C. B. In boyhood he had studied at King’s College, Nova
Scotia, having been admitted there in 1831, and that college conferred on him,
in 1858, as did also the University of Oxford, the degree of D. C. L. After his
defence of Lucknow the Legislature of Nova Scotia presented ‘him with a sword
of ‘honour, the blade of which was made of steel from Nova Scotia iron. Sir
John married, in 1851, the Hon. Julia Selina Thesiger, second daughter of the
first Lord Chelmsford, born in 1833, who, with her three children, was present
in the Lucknow residency throughout the defence. Lady Inglis long held the
honorary position of housekeeper of the State apartments at St. James’ Palace.
She had also a residence, “Mayfield,” at Beckenham, Kent, and enjoyed a pension
of five hundred pounds a year in memory of Sir John’s services. Her interesting
book, “The Siege of Lucknow, A Diary,” published in 1892, is well known. Sir
John died at Homburg, Germany, September 27, 1862, and was buried in Homburg.
Lady Inglis died in February, 1904.
From the New York Times Saturday Review of Books, February —, 1904:
“An eventful life, such as has been the lot of very few women, was closed last week with the death, in her seventy-first year, of Lady Inglis, wife of the gallant brigadier who stood for the lives of the besieged at Lucknow during eighty-seven days in i857. Lady Inglis, who was a daughter of the first Lord Chelmsford, was with her husband throughout the defense of Lucknow. She published a diary she kept during the terrible siege, and in this, in simple but graphic language, told the story of how a handful of men held out against frightful odds.”
Children of Sir John Eardley Wilmot and Lady Julia
Selina (Thesiger) Inglis:
i.—JOHN FREDERIC4, b. July 16, 1853, Major in
the Duke of Edinburgh’s (Wiltshire) Regiment. He entered the army in 1873, and
received his Majority March 19, 189o. He m. Janet-Alice, daughter of
the Rev. William Thornhill, but has no children.
March 14, 1855 m. Edith Caroline, daughter of the Rev. C. Buckworth
September 24, 1856, matric. at Oxford, March 9, 1876; m. Ernestine May,
daughter of Dean Pigou
ALEXANDRINA, b. March 24, 1859,
married to Hubert Ashton, Merchant in Calcutta
MATHILDA, b. November 30, 1861, m. to George Herman Collier,
of the India Office
May 17, 1863, matric. at Oxford, Jan’y 21, 1882, grad. B. A. 1885, was Curate
of Basingstoke, and died unmarried. Incorrect - he
married and had 3 children.
Of the children of. Sir John Eardley Wilmot Inglis, ‘Charles George4 has children: Rupert Charles5 b. February 3, 1884; Harold
John, b. June 21, 1885. Alfred Markham4 has children: John Alfred
Pigou5, b. May. 5, 1893; Ernestine Mary, b. April 23, 1895 Mildred Jane Catherine, b. August 1, 1879; Francis Frederic, b. June 22, 1899; Alfred Walter (twin with Francis Frederic), b. June 22, 1899.
Victoria Alexandrina4
Ashton has
children: Guy Inglis5, b. July 18, 1893; Percy, b. February 27, 1895; Gilbert, b. September 27, 1896; Hubert, b. February 13, 1898;
Ralph,b. August 20. 1899, d. September 30, 1899. Julia Mathilda Collier4 has children: Evelyn Mary3, b.
October 20, 1888, d. February 26, 1889; Ronald Inglis, b. April 30, 1890;
John Herman b.. April 13, 1892, d. May 21, 1892;
Grace Marion, b. June 24, 1893; Kenneth Francis, b. March 7,
1896; Mary Mildred, b. March 18, 1898.
[Notes of her own immediate family were kindly furnished the writer by
‘Lady Inglis herself, who would have been glad to see this record in print.]
A nephew of Bishop Charles Inglis, the Reverend Archibald Paine Inglis, was
also a Nova Scotia clergyman (His middle name is found as Paine, Pain, Peane, or Peine). He was one of the
sons of the Bishop’s
brother, Rev. Richard Inglis, and, together with his brother Thomas entered Trinity College,
Dublin, November 20th,
1768, Archibald
being fifteen years old and Thomas sixteen. Among the list of graduates of the
college, the name of Archibald is not found, but Thomas took his degree in
1775. Under Bishop Inglis’ direction the academy at Windsor was opened November 1st, 1789,
and his nephew, Archibald, was appointed its “president” for one year, the title afterwards being
changed to “principal.” In this position Archibald seems to have remained until May or June, 1790, when he was succeeded by the
Rev. William Cochran, S. T. D., who also at that time became the first
president of King’s College. From 1789 to February, i80i, when he died, Rev. Archibald Paine Inglis was
settled at Granville, Annapolis County. His widow, Susanna, died at Lower Horton,
King’s County, December 13th, 1842, in her 76th year.